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Fishing Jokes To Reel in The Laughs

Fishing Jokes To Reel in The Laughs - Tee Shop USA

One of the greatest ways to spend a Saturday morning is to load up the truck, stop at the bait shop and head for the waters to fish.

Whether you're on a boat, shoreline or pier, fishing is an enjoyable, relaxing recreation that is worth the investment of time and energy. It's a sport and hobby that Americans and people around the world love. It's our God-given right to fish!

Some of us are obsessed with fishing. We think about fishing all the time, even when we're supposed to be working. We even chuckle as we remember some hilariously funny jokes about fishing.

Man, I tell ya, it's a great thing to be a fisher.

If you're looking for more fishing jokes to fill your memory bank, then you've come to the right place. From funny jokes to dad jokes, we got the best fishing jokes in town. 

So cast your line, kick back, relax, read these jokes and get ready to reel in some laughs!

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The Best Fishing Jokes


  1. What do you call a woman who dangles from the side of a boat? Annette. 

  2. Why were some of the fish blushing? They saw the ocean's bottom.

  3. What's a fish's favorite horror movie? Jaws.

  4. What do fish say when they smack head-first into a wall? "Dam!"

  5. What do you call bait that doesn't catch any fish? A fail-lure!

  6. What kind of bed do fish sleep on? A waterbed.

  7. What do you call a fake fish? A de-koi. 

  8. How does a fish look when they dress up in a suit? So-fish-ticated.

  9. What did the Hollywood director say to the new fish actress? "You're gonna be a starfish!"

  10. Why do fish have such a good education? Because they stay in schools.

  11. What do you call fish royalty? A kingfish.

  12. Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you'll get rid of him for a whole weekend!

  13. Why are some fish so accurate with measurements? They were born with scales.

  14. What do you call a fish who operates on patients? A sturgeon.

  15. Why don't fish get sick very often? They get plenty of vitamin sea.

  16. What's a fish's favorite musical instrument? A bass guitar.

  17. Why did the fish leave the party to go home and rest? He was feeling crappie.

  18. Why are fishermen so proficient in geometry? They're good anglers. 

  19. Why was the mouse so afraid of the fish? It was a catfish!

  20. Why did the fisherman take a day off of work? His arm was in a cast.

  21. What do freshwater fish say to encourage each other? "Carp diem."

  22. Why was the fish always playing poker? He was hooked.


Well, there you have it, folks, some of the greatest fishing jokes of all time.

We hope you enjoyed these jokes and that they've brought you laughter and brightened up your day. 

We wish you good health, good fortune, and good fishing!

Until next time, take care.

Thanks for stopping by! Before you go, check out our premium line of graphic Fishing Shirts. They're hilarious!

Fishing Shirts 

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