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How Many Pushups Should I Be Able To Do?

How Many Pushups Should I Be Able To Do? - Tee Shop USA

When I started taekwondo 8 years ago when I was 33 years old, I was unable to do two consecutive pushups; that's how horribly out of shape I let myself get.

By the time I earned my black belt 6 years later, I was almost 40 and I could easily do 50 consecutive pushups. Why? Because before the end of every class, the TKD instructor made us do our age in pushups.

I thought it was a little unfair, considering the 17, 18 and 19-year-olds were in much better shape than I was when I first started.

They told me to stop crying like a little b*&%# 

The wisdom behind doing your age in push-ups is that you should have been increasing your strength, stamina and power over the years, not letting yourself crumble into dust the way I did.

If you were 10 years old and did 10 pushups every day, you would easily be able to do 11 pushups per day when you turned 11. Following that logic and pattern, by the time you're 50, you should be able to do 50 pushups per day. 

But let's be honest here, most of us aren't going to be doing our age in push-ups every day from the time we're 10 'til we're 90. So, there has to be a reasonable average of pushups we should be able to do based on our age and gender.

Don't worry, we're about to get into that.

But first, what's a pushup?

Pushups are a classic bodyweight exercise that can help build strength in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. But how many pushups should you be able to do? Let's explore the optimal pushup count for different age groups and fitness levels.


What is the average number of pushups?


According to the American College of Sports Medicine, the average adult should be able to perform 15 to 30 pushups in a row. However, this number can vary based on age, gender, and fitness level. For example, men tend to have more upper body strength than women, so they may be able to do more pushups on average.

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How many pushups should you be able to do based on age?


Age can play a significant role in how many pushups you should be able to do. Here are some general guidelines:


  • 18-35 years old: 20-39 pushups for men, 10-33 pushups for women
  • 36-55 years old: 17-29 pushups for men, 7-24 pushups for women
  • 56 and older: 15-24 pushups for men, 5-19 pushups for women


    What if you can't do the recommended number of pushups?


    If you find that you are unable to do the recommended number of pushups for your age group, don't worry. Start by doing as many pushups as you can with proper form and gradually increase the number over time. You can also modify the pushup by doing them on your knees or against a wall to build strength.

    Like I said, when I was 33 years old, I was so out of shape I couldn't even do 2 pushups. With practice, I was able to significantly increase that number over time. Now, at 41 years old, I can easily do 41 pushups.


    Benefits of increasing your pushup count


    Increasing your pushup count can have numerous benefits, including improved upper body strength, muscle endurance, and core stability. It can also help improve your overall fitness level and contribute to a more toned physique.

    Remember, the number of pushups you should be able to do is just a guideline. Everyone's fitness level is different, so focus on making progress at your own pace and listen to your body. With consistency and dedication, you can improve your pushup count and overall strength.

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