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Hocus Pocus Trivia That Will Bewitch And Amuse

Hocus Pocus Trivia That Will Bewitch And Amuse - Tee Shop USA

At the time of writing this blog, the classic Halloween movie Hocus Pocus is a staggering 30 years old. Some people who enjoy the original film today weren't even alive when it was first published. Or perhaps they were quite young. 

While the movie targeted preteens in 1993, many aging millennials and xenniels still watch it every year. In our household, it is viewed several times a year, since me and my wife are both xenniels, and we both love the movie. 



We couldn't wait for the sequel that was released in 2022! 

Warning, Hocus Pocus 2 may be very sentimental and nostalgic for viewers in their 30s and 40s. 

Hocus Pocus was one of the best PG Halloween movies to ever hit the scene. I mean, it's not remotely scary, but it should be right?

3 evil sisters were resurrected from the dead, put all the grownups in a trance so that they could hunt down and drain the lives out of all the children for the purpose of immortality? 

Pretty scary stuff if you think about it. Yet, it's a feel-good holiday romp if there ever was one!  

Hocus Pocus was such a hit in fact that many tourists go to Salem, MA with the Hocus Pocus House on the top of their list of things to visit while in town. 

If you're like my wife, you probably think you know everything there is to know about Hocus Pocus. We'll test your knowledge so that you do not run amuck spreading misinformation! 


Hocus Pocus Trivia Questions And Answers


Q. When was the original Hocus Pocus movie released? 

A. July 16th, 1993.


Q. When were the Sanderson Sisters hanged for witchcraft? 

A. October 31st, 1693.


Q. Which artifact brought back the Sanderson Sisters from the dead? 

A. A black flame candle.


Q. Who had to light the black flame candle in order to bring back the Sanderson Sisters? 

A. A virgin.


Q. Where did Max Dennison live before moving to Salem, MA? 

A. Los Angeles, California.


Q. What substance could be used to temporarily ward off the witches? 

A. Salt.


Q. What did the Sanderson Sisters call the paved road? 

A. A black river.



Q. What do the bullies steal from Max in the cemetery? 

A. His shoes.


Q. What brand of shoes did they take from Max? 

A. Nike Air Platinum.


Q. Why did Winifred put a curse on Billy Butcherson? 

A. He took her youngest sister Sarah as his lover which Winifred believed was cheating. 


Q. Who was the immortal black cat that could not die? 

A. Thackery Binx. (Not Zachary)


Q. What is the name of Thackery's little sister? 

A. Emily.


Q. What does Max and Dani's dad dress up as at the Halloween dance? 

A. "Dadcula"


Q. Who played Sarah Sanderson? 

A. Sarah Jessica Parker. 


Q. What was the bully's nickname for Max Dennison? 

A. Hollywood.


Q. Who played Allison? 

A. Vinessa Shaw.


Q. What song does Winifred sing to make the parents dance endlessly? 

A. I Put A Spell On You. 


Q. What was Max and Dani's address? 

A. 4 Ocean Ave, Salem MA. 


Q. What did Dani tell the bullies that her older brother was dressed as on Halloween? 

A. A little leaguer 


Q. What was the burning rain of death that Max summoned? 

A. Water from the fire sprinkler system


Q. Who chased the Sanderson Sisters out of the "master's house"? 

A. Ralph the dog


Q. What reward did the Sanderson Sisters get for sucking the life out of children? 

A. Eternal life and beauty. 


There you have it folks. If you're a true Hocus Pocus fan you will have gotten them all correct! It's okay if you didn't though, now you do know for next time. Maybe you haven't seen the movie in a while. 

If that's the case, we recommend you watching the original and the sequel. They're both awesome! 

If you enjoyed these trivia questions, check out our Halloween Trivia next! 


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