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Bible Trivia for Devout Christians

Super Hard Bible Trivia for Devout Christians - Tee Shop USA

So, my dear followers of our Lord Jesus Christ, do you think you know the bible well?

Then let's put your biblical knowledge to the test with some fun, easy (at first) and challenging trivia!

Our trivia questions will be a joyous walk through the Old Testament and the New Testament, spanning various books and scriptures of the Christian bible. There will also be general questions about Christianity and the Holy Bible as well.

Read these trivia questions to your friends and family and see how many they can answer correctly. The answers are provided directly below the questions so you don't have to fumble around looking for them.

This is going to be fun! So let's dive in!

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Bible Trivia Questions


Q. How many books are in the Christian bible?

A. 66.

Q. In the beginning, God said let there be what?

A. Light.

Q. Whose image were humans created in?

A. God's.

Q. Who tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden?

A. The Serpent. (The Devil.)

Q. Who was Cain's brother?

A. Abel.

Q. What did Cain do to his brother?

A. Killed him.

Q. How old was Noah when he died?

A. 950 years old.

Q. Where were the Israelites living in bondage?

A. Egypt.

Q. Who was Moses's brother?

A. Aaron.

Q. What tribe was Moses from?

A. Levi.

Q. What was special about the Bush Moses saw?

A. It was burning.

Q. What was the name of Moses's sister?

A. Miriam.

Q. How many plagues were there?

A. 10.

Q. What was the last plague?

A. Killing of the firstborn children.

Q. What sea did Moses part?

A. The Red Sea.

Q. What did the Israelites build so God could dwell with them?

A. Tabernacle.

Q. What is the 6th commandment?

A. Thou shalt not kill.

Q. Who is credited with writing Leviticus?

A. Moses.

Q. How many days is a woman unclean after having a baby boy?

A. 7 days.

Q. What kind of bird was appropriate for a burnt offering?

A. Dove.

Q. What drink were priests forbidden to drink in the Tent of Meeting?

A. Wine (and fermented beverages.)

Q. Grain offerings must be made without what?

A. Yeast.

Q. What must happen to clay pots after cooking sin offerings?

A. They must be broken.

Q. Were Israelite priests allowed to shave their heads?

A. No.

Q. Every grain offering to the lord must be seasoned with what?

A. Salt.

Q. The Israelites were allowed to consume living creatures from the sea if they had what?

A. Fins and scales.

Q. Moses was commanded to sleep on which side of the Tabernacle?

A. The east.

Q. How did God punish Korah?

A. The ground swallowed him up.

Q. What did Levites have to shave for purification?

A. Their whole bodies.

Q. Where was the first Israelite census conducted?

A. Desert of Sinai.

Q. How did Moses get water from the rock?

A. Struck it with his staff.

Q. What disease did God strike Miriam with?

A. Leprosy.

Q. What material was Moses commanded to use for crafting two trumpets?

A. Silver.

Q. What happened to the man gathering wood on the Sabbath?

A. He was stoned to death.

Q. How long was an Israelite unclean for touching a corpse?

A. 7 days.

Q. Where did Aaron die?

A. Mount Hor.

Q. How long did Moses fast after the golden calf was erected?

A. 40 days.

Q. The Ten Commandments consisted of how many tablets?

A. 2.

Q. How often were Israelites required to cancel debts?

A. Every 7 years.

Q. What is the minimum number of witnesses required to convict an Israelite of a crime?

A. 2.

Q. Where did Moses die?

A. Mount Nebo.

Q. How old was Moses when he died?


Q. In what month was Passover celebrated?

A. Aviv.

Q. What happened to the wall of Jericho when the men shouted?

A. It collapsed.

Q. What river did the Israelites cross after Moses died?

A. The Jordan River.

Q. Who did Joshua treaty with in the land of Canaan?

A. The Gibeonites

Q. What was the award offered for the capture of Kiriath Sepher?

A. Caleb's daughter, Aksah.

Q. What mountain was Joshua buried north of?

A. Mount Gaash.

Q. How old was Joshua when he died?

A. 110.

Q. Who was the first of the judges?

A. Othniel.

Q. What did Shamgar use to strike down 600 Philistines?

A. An oxgoad.

Q. What kind of animal did Samson kill with his hands?

A. Lion.

Q. Who is the only female judge in the Bible?

A. Deborah.

Q. How many sons did Gideon have?

A. 71.

Q. What did Samson use to kill a thousand men?

A. A donkey's jawbone.

Q. How many braids did Samson have?

A. 7.

Q. Where was Jair buried?

A. Kamon.

Q. Who was Ruth's Mother-in-law?

A. Naomi.

Q. Where was Ruth from?

A. Moab.

Q. What did Boaz do to Ruth?

A. Married her.

Q. What was the name of Ruth and Boaz's son?

A. Obed.

Q. How was Ruth related to King David?

A. She was his great-grandmother.

Q. Who is Samuel's mother?

A. Hannah.

Q. How many daughters did Hannah have?

A. 2.

Q. Who captured the Ark of the Covenant?

A. The Philistines.

Q. Where was Samuel's home?

A. Ramah.

Q. Who was Samuel's firstborn son?

A. Joel.

Q. Who tried to kill David with a spear?

A. Saul.

Q. Who killed Saul?

A. Saul killed himself.

Q. What kind of tree was Saul buried under?

A. Tamarisk tree.

Q. How old was David when he became king of Israel?

A. 30.

Q. Who killed Goliath?

A. David.

Q. Which of David's sons became king after him?

A. Solomon.

Q. What were the two prostitutes arguing over in front of Solomon?

A. A baby.

Q. Where did Solomon get lumber to build the temple?

A. Lebanon.

Q. How long did it take Solomon to build the temple?

A. 7 years.

Q. What did the queen of Sheba give to King Solomon?

A. Spices.

Q. What was Solomon's throne covered with?

A. Ivory and Gold.

Q. How many wives did King Solomon have?

A. 700.

Q. Who became Elijah's servant?

A. Elisha.

Q. Who murdered Ben-Hadad?

A. Hazael.

Q. What animal ate Jezebel's body?

A. Dog.

Q. How old was Joash when he became king?

A. 7.

Q. Which Babylonian king exiled all of Jerusalem?

A. Nebuchadnezzar.

Q. What was Ezra's profession?

A. Teacher.

Q. What did Ezra give to 12 priests?

A. Silver and Gold.

Q. How old was Ezra when he died?

A. 120.

Q. How many books are in the New Testament?

A. 27.

Q. What did John the Baptist eat in the desert?

A. Locusts.

Q. Who denied Jesus 3 times?

A. Peter.

Q. What did Jesus do to Lazarus after he died?

A. Raised him from the dead.

Q. What was Matthew's occupation before knowing Jesus?

A. Tax collector.

Q. Who was sent to be an apostle to the Gentiles?

A. Paul.

Q. What island was Paul shipwrecked on?

A. Malta.

Q. How was Jesus killed?

A. Crucifixion.

Q. How many horsemen of the apocalypse?

A. Four.

Q. Is Jesus coming back?

A. Yes.

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There you have it, folks, some amazing Bible trivia for you! How many were you able to answer correctly? If you got them all, then consider yourself a Biblical scholar!

If you didn't get them all right, that's okay. Keep reading your Bible every day and eventually, all the quizzes on the internet will be a piece of cake.

Until next time, God bless!

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